1,000,000+ Melbourne followers built for brand awareness

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Many social media sites come in the form of a blog, microblog, podcast, videocast, forum, wiki, or some kind of content community. To help you understand social media better, let’s break them down into basic forms or groups.

Social networks: Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Twitter allow you to find and link to other people. Once linked or connected, you can keep up to date with that person’s contact info, interests, posts, etc. Many people are connecting to friends and business associates with whom they had fallen out of touch. It’s bringing the world together like nothing else has. Social bookmarking: Sites like Delicious, Faves, StumbleUpon, BlogMarks and Diigo allow you to find and bookmark sites and information of interest. You can save your bookmarks online and access them from anywhere or share them with others.

Instagram, Urban Spoon (Zomato), Trip Advisor are all websites and apps used to help decision making. When going to a restaurant or cafe, these websites are used to help direct users what to order. Instagram is the new big thing, food, fashion, holidays and events are the craze to post.

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